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Office building in Metamorfossi

There was an existing KNX facility at the offices of that company. So we were asked to extend the already installed system to a conference room that was completely renovated.

 chipita board 2

Our company undertook lighting control with On/Off commands and Dimming switches while the DALI lighting control system was integrated into the system and the control of the room shades.

chipita board 3

The installation of the system included the installation of a screen connected to the Internet, enabling it to centrally and remotely control the space. Thus, through the screen, our engineers have created scenes for the use of the room, whereby setting the lighting circuits combined with the management of the shades creates the appropriate lighting conditions for each use case such as video viewing mode, presentation mode, meeting status etc. 

Applied Systems
 GR service ext webGR service lightGR service shutters


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